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Frequently asked questions FAQ


What is the starting point and time of departure of the expedition?

The Expedition begins on the island of Flores, Petén. We usually pick you up at your hotel or transportation at 7:00 a.m. to take the bus that leads to Carmelita.

How is the accommodation on the expedition?

We will stay in ecological cabins both in Carmelita and in Puerto Arturo. The cabins have all the comforts: beds, showers, and a dining room where the local inhabitants will serve you with delicious dishes (included in the tour).

What kind of food will I have during the expedition?

In the community of Carmelita and Puerto Arturo we will have typical luxury foods served in local dining rooms. There are also alternatives for vegetarians and celiacs (for which you must coordinate with our sales office prior to the start of the tour).

Dates and Seasons

Does the Expedition take place throughout the year?

It is open 7 days a week, every day of the month, including holidays; But you must consider that between July to September (rainy season), it is necessary to make an additional physical effort to walk in flooded and muddy areas. At this time the presence of mosquitoes increases during the tour.

What is the best season of the year to do the Carmelita-El Mirador trek?

The best time to carry out the expedition is from the beginning of December to the end of June, a season in which the trails are completely dry and easy to navigate.


What physical condition do I need to be to do this tour?

It is recommended to be in good health and be able to walk for more than 6 continuous hours each day.

How are the physical demands of the expedition?

Most of the tour is done on flat terrain, along trails in the jungle.

What is the average age of the participants?

Most of the participants are young people from different parts of the world and on average 20 to 40 years old. But there are also travelers of different ages who make the expedition without problems, from the very young (14 years) to adults of 70 years.


What things or equipment should I bring during the tour?

During the months of March to June the weather is very hot and humid, therefore for the day we recommend bringing light clothing that covers most of the body to avoid insect bites. You also need some clothing to keep you warm in the morning and at night.

During the months of July to October it is also necessary to bring waterproof clothing for the rainy season.

It is essential to have good trekking shoes that allow you to walk for many hours continuously without damaging your feet and that protect your feet during some wet and difficult stretches. During the months of March to May you can use lighter shoes.

And of course, bring your camera and all the equipment you require for your photographs (tripods, lenses, etc).